New Line Cinema
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles already hit the big screen in 1990, but they're returning in a new movie.
By Jordan Zakarin, The Hollywood Reporter
Perhaps seizing on the notion that moviegoers are willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to see Michael Bay's films, while maintaining a deep contempt for his storytelling process and heavy use of exploding computer graphics, the internet was set ablaze Monday, with blogs and major media outlets slamming the filmmaker's announcement concerning the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and telling tales of fan outrage.
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?When you see this movie, kids are going to believe, one day, that these turtles actually do exist when [we] are done with this movie," Bay said about his upcoming series reboot during a presentation at the Nickelodon upfronts. "These turtles are from an alien race and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely lovable."
Outrage boiled over, leading Bay to issue a terse response on a website he often uses to make announcements.
"Fans need to take a breath, and chill. They have not read the script," he wrote. "Our team is working closely with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles to help expand and give a more complex back story. Relax, we are including everything that made you become fans in the first place. We are just building a richer world."
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It's going to take some heavy convincing, though, because outlets and select social media-using turtle diehards whipped up a severe indignancy at the mere thought of altering the origin story of the pizza-loving, crime fighting mutant?turtles that were such a cultural phenomenon in the 1980s and early 90s. Various outlets reported that, based on some tweets and Reddit threads, fans were in up in arms, including Entertainment Weekly, Washington Post and the AV Club.
The Guardian went straight for the jugular, contrasting the implausibility of an alien origin with the well-accepted ooze-induced transformation.
"Making the turtles aliens would ruin everything ? their desire to be accepted, their bizarre late-1980s street lingo, their fondness for pizza. Everything," the paper argued. "Are we really meant to believe that there's an alien race of giant turtles who just happen to all be named after renowned Renaissance artists from this planet, and speak English, and who came to Earth with a giant elderly rat who's presumably from the same race, just to live in sewers and loudly eschew anchovies at every opportunity? Hardly, Michael Bay. Hardly."
It's a national scandal, and Turtlegate got more ammunition when the man who voiced the orange masked, pizza-loving Michelangelo got invovled.
"You probably don?t know me but I did some voice work on the first set of movies that you are starting to talk about sodomizing," Robbie Riss wrote in a letter to Bay that he posted online (via TMZ). "I know believing in mutated talking turtles is kinda silly to begin with but am I supposed to be led to believe there are ninjas from another planet? The rape of our childhood memories continues."
Does it bother you if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are recast as aliens in the upcoming film? Tell us on Facebook.
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