Sunday, April 21, 2013

Living with a Chronic Disease - Mental Health and Anxiety Blog ...

hank?s point? of view in this video is THE ?new normal?.

Thanks so much, I have a chronic disease that means I lose allot of my hair, and its been almost a year that? I have been dealing with it and im becoming more accustomed to my ?new normal?

Not being able to tie my hair up without the people around me seeing hideous bald patches, or walking or running on windy days when my hair flicks back..

To other people it seems like such a tiny thing, its ?just hair?, but especially as a girl? It can be really degrading

?That?s the thing about being a person.?

The older I get the more I realize that my? happiness is ultimately connected to my ability to adapt to my new normal.

i have a chronic disorder called Hypopituitarism. which is caused when pituitary? glands don?t produce the right amount of hormones. it makes it basically impossible to loose weight, and you gain weight almost insistently. i was diagnosed at 13. i am 15 now. up until my diagnoses i did everything in my power to loose weight. being the fat one in the family wasn?t fun. now i have a disorder that makes it impossible to stop being the fat one in the family. the most i can do is maintain my weight.

Thank you so much for this? video. My daughter has several incurable diseases and she was diagnosed at 15. She is so strong everyday. People who have not been touched by these life events can be so utterly clueless and frustrating. In the world of the new normal, just getting through an average day is often a heroic effort. It is inspiring to hear from someone who has achieved success while dealing with an incurable medical condition.

Hank blushing/getting emotional? when he talks about Katherine. Damn, I wish I had love like that.

I?m only fifteen and I?ve racked up some pretty severe scoliosis, a touch of pain amplification syndrome, and I?ve just recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It sucks but thankfully some of the symptoms I have that are caused by fibromyalgia are eased with aqua therapy. If only they could invent? some drug that made my nervous system stop freaking out?

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder (like schizophrenia + bipolar disorder) about a year and a half ago. Helping my friends and family to understand what I am experiencing is also not easy. We have such a stigma about mental illnesses in our culture that I often feel very uncomfortable trying to explain my panic attacks, mood swings, and delusions to my close friends, even more? so to the students I tutor. I really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this issue, Hank.

I loved this video. I?m sixteen years old and I got diagnosed with Crohn?s about 5 months ago. It? sucks and is scary, but hearing other peoples similar stories really helps. :)

I cannot thank you enough for this video! I myself have? Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is EXACTLY as much fun as it sounds. I?m brewing up a video response but for now, just a very heartfelt thank you from someone (myself) dealing with chronic illness every day.

Thank you for this vlog Hank, it has inspired me to leave my very first coment.
As a birthday gift to me this year, I went to the Dr over a rash I have and to my suprise the Dr wasn?t the least concerned. She was concerned with an unrelated area. I have a treatable, but chronic type of skin cancer, the meds are kicking my? butt and I can?t get too far from the toilet ect?
Thanks for showing me a beter way of looking at it.
I survived having kids, this should be able to do this too.
Again thank

i can?t say i know what you?re going through in the least, but i do hope that you find happiness in whatever normal it is you? live in and that you keep it.

poorly worded youtube comments made purely? out of emotion! ASSEMBLE!

i have bad incontinence issues, and until this video i have never in my life (i have spina bifida, so? this has been lifelong) been able to come to terms with it. i?m starting to come to now because of this video, which i find to be VERY courageous, especially given how? well, NORMAL your other videos seem to be. normal in comparison to how having something like having IBD must make you feel all the time. now i know that i CAN be normal, and not be ashamed of it. thank you hank. :)

U have ibd, I have ibs, I have the same bathroom needs. I?ve had it forever, sadly have to tell my teachers every year that I have to use the bathroom when needed however many? times as needed, I also have five other disorders which makes it more difficult lol

Thank? you for opening my mind to sufferers of IBD Hank. It?s a wonderful thing when the population is educated therefore (hopefully) sympathetic to chronic diseases such as this. God bless you x

I?ve had CVID for the past 4 years and I?ve been trying to have a better outlook on life since then and I connected with you on a lot of what you said and I guess what I?m trying to say is thank you for making this because I would never have guessed that a person as awesome as you and someone I look up to so much has had problems that made him feel like he wasn?t normal and that?s my goal: To be someone no one would ever guess has a chronic disease and I hope I can pull it off as well as you? did

They almost thought I had Celiac Disease but the? tests came out negative. You have no idea how much I want to give you a hug right now.

Same here. Dermatillomania as? well. People have a hard time understanding that it?s a compulsive disorder, and not a ?bad habit.?

?in case I poop in my pants? PMSL! Hank. I love you. You? have such a refreshing outlook on life. You make me smile :)

Wow, Hank. Thank you. Really, thank you. I?ve never thought of my situation as normal. I?ve actually always thought myself as not normal, and? I?ve wished multiple times that I could become normal. A long time ago, some things happened, and long story short, I don?t have parents anymore. I?ve always looked at people who are with their parents and thought ?I wish I were normal like them.? But with this ?new normal? concept you talked about, I realized I am normal. It?s different, but it?s normal.

Thanks Hank. I had UC for the first 27 yrs of my life, then I saw a specialist that told me it was actually Crohn?s Disease (in both small and large intestine). Yep chronic disease is really a trip (to the bathroom, a lot) Those of you with symptoms as Hank described, should not put off seeking help and getting a diagnosis from the BEST Gastroenterologist you can. It DOES make a difference, it can make ALL the difference in your life. Been there, did that, am doing better 20? yrs on.

I have trichotillomania?..for those of you who don?t want to look it up, it?s an? impulse disorder that causes one to pull their hair out.

omg. you might have just? answered my ailments exactly?guess im off to the Dr?s

I have chronic back pain. I just say ?Well I have a hernia so excuse me,? and I lay on the floor.

Constant pain is awful. Thank you so much for sharing!! I watch this whenever I start to go crazy from? ouch-ness.

I have Celiac Disease.?

I have familial polyposis but? won?t show symptoms until my 30? dad and aunt have it too. It sucks because people don?t, and can?t understand. Thank you for making this so the diagnosis doesn?t seem so bleak. :)

When you said ?if you have IBD you know what im talking about? i felt? so much less alone in this world that revolves around Ulcerative Colitis all the time. Thank you.

I have a chronic disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa which is causing the rods and cones on my retina to slowly die away. It? sucks. Because it?s a degenerative disease, it will slowly continue to get worse over the course of my life until I go completely blind sometime over the next 20 years. Chronic diseases are terrible.


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